Email Only hosting

Why just email? Because sometimes you just aren't ready for a website, and email is needed now.

Email only Hosting

  • Setup up to 100 email accounts
  • 5Gb shared email storage space
  • 10Gb shared monthly email traffic
  • Advanced Email & DNS Control via the simple to use cPanel interface


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You may not be quite ready to get your website underway, but you need email addresses setup with your business' domain. Often, you will start out using another email platform - something like Gmail, or even a BigPond address, Optus Account etc (or even *GASP* a Hotmail account).

We can host your domain for emails only, which means that even though you might not have a website, you can have a professional email address to use and to communicate with customers, colleagues and suppliers.

And never fear - if you want to setup a website in the future, the plan can easily be updated to one that suits!

Choose this plan if you're ready to get your emails setup and hosted!